Japan/China - Japan make hay under Kosuke’s shine, complete semifinal line-up

TOKYO, Japan (4th FIBA Asia Cup): Kosuke Takeuchi drilled in crucial holes in rival defense at the crunch moments and Japan’s hayabusa rode high on that to cruise to a 60-50 win over fellow East Asian team and reigning FIBA Asia champions China, thus completing the semifinal line-up in the 4th FIBA Asia Cup on Thursday.

Japan’s next opponents are Qatar, who earlier in the day showed defending champions Lebanon the door. For the record, Japan had beaten Qatar 73-69, when the two had met in the Group B Prelim Round.

China have brought here a team that is best described as promising, but the efforts of the youngsters on this night would have warmed the cockles of the CBA top brass’ heart, including FIBA Asia’s women’s representative in the FIBA Central Board Xu Lan who was watching the game with her usual keenness.

There was no sign of fear or frailty in the Chinese youngsters’ approach as they took to the game with assured confidence.

So what did they lack? Where did Japan win?

The answer to both the questions was the same: experience.

Where Japan, although one is tempted to term them slightly short on talent compared to the China, had a line-up that was time tested and tactically far more mature, China’s were raw and impulsive power.

This exactly was where Kosuke Takeuchi in combination with his Aishin Seahorses teammate and the naturalized veteran JR Sakuragi tilted the scales’ in the hosts’ favor.

Sakuragi kept Wang Zhelin under a tight leash allowing the teenager very little room to move about with his characteristic jaunt and Takeuchi came up with some opportunistic drive ins to take Japan home.

Guo Ailun was his usual perky self as the playmaker of the Chinese plays and Wang Zhelin too shone when he managed to break away from Sakuragi’s shackles, but the rest of the line-up simply fell short. Not for want of effort though!

If nothing else both teams will have something to carry forward from this game. Japan a place in the semifinals and China some invaluable experience.

-Source: FIBA Asia

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